Tone Down Your Toner Expenses

a lot of toner

Like putting gas in your car, buying toner for your printer is often regarded as one of those unavoidable and necessary expenses that we must encounter to keep things moving. Simply another routine purchase that you would usually not think twice about. The stress of running out of toner in the middle of an important project is truly too panic-inducing to ever risk not buying it. 

Yet, for a product that surpasses even Chanel No. 5 and human blood in cost per ounce, it might be worth considering just how much and how often your business is spending on toner. 

Many companies truly have very little insight into how much they are spending on these resources due to decentralized and often invisible purchasing practices. 

In this piece, we address these costly concerns regarding overspending on toner and provide solutions to better help you and your company manage its toner needs. By following these guidelines and utilizing the right tools and services, you can effectively manage your printing expenses and make genuine improvements to your company’s overall efficiency. 

Rogue Spending and Hidden Costs 

The lack of visibility into printing expenses is one of the biggest hurdles your business may need to overcome in reducing print-related spending. If you work in a larger company, you probably have experienced different departments and branches making toner purchases under various expense categories, making it difficult to track overall spending.  

According to a study by IDC, organizations without centralized print management overspend on print-related costs by as much as 30%. This type of rogue spending can sadly result in a lack of clear understanding as to where your money is going.  

As a result, you may find yourself with closets full of unused toner. Unfortunately, as a consumer, you are at risk of vendors overselling toner by recommending frequent renewals without assessing actual usage patterns. A report by Print Audit, indicates that up to 25% of toner purchased by businesses goes unused. Without the proper technology and systems in place to measure toner consumption accurately, you will end up with excess supplies that you do not need, resulting in waste and added costs.  


As much as stockpiling can be conflated with proactive preparation, you probably do not want to be stockpiling toner. Often, as we carry out a print-operations assessment for prospective customers, we do find closets full of unused toner. Technically, if stored properly, it can still be used after its shelf life of 2 years. However, the quality degrades over time, and old toner can have negative effects on your print job and the device it is used in. 

So, how do you accurately walk the fine line between always having enough toner to avoid running out while not having too much that you end up stockpiling? The answer is simpler than you think.  

The Solution: Automation! AKA Managed Print Services 

Why spend the time doing something as trivial as monitoring toner levels in your printer, when you can automate the process? A Managed Print Services (MPS) provider can help businesses gain control over their printing expenses, optimize toner usage, and ensure supplies are stored correctly. Here is how an MPS program can help you address these challenges:  

  1. Centralized Control and Visibility: An MPS provider consolidates all printing expenses into a single, transparent report, giving businesses a clear picture of their monthly renewables spend. This allows for strategic decision-making and budget allocation based on actual usage data.
  2. Automated Supply Management: MPS programs include automated supply management, which ensures that toner and ink are replenished based on actual usage patterns rather than arbitrary renewal schedules. This prevents overstocking and reduces waste. 
  3. Improved Storage Solutions: MPS providers offer guidance on proper storage conditions for printing supplies, ensuring that toner and ink remain in optimal condition until they are needed. This helps maintain print quality and extends the life of both the supplies and the printing devices. 
  4. The International Imaging Technology Council advises that you store your toner cartridges in a cool, dry place to ensure longevity and performance. Improper storage can cause toner to dry out or become clumpy, which can result in printer malfunctions and further unnecessary expenses for repairs and replacements.
  5. Enhanced Productivity and Morale: By eliminating the risk of running out of toner at critical times, MPS programs help maintain productivity and employee morale. With reliable supply management, employees can focus on their tasks without worrying about equipment downtime. 

Case Study: Successful MPS Implementation 

If you are still not convinced that automating your toner purchases through a centralized MPS is the right fit for your company, let’s analyze a real-life example to show you the difference this can make: 

A mid-sized marketing firm struggled with high printing costs and frequent toner shortages. Once we implemented a full managed print (MPS) program, the firm saw a 25% reduction in overall printing costs and a significant decrease in printer downtime!  

This 25% reduction in costs was achieved through a thorough assessment of the firm's printing needs and optimizing supply management, ensuring that toner was replenished only when necessary. Flex TG also provided guidance on proper storage practices, improving the longevity and performance of their printing supplies. This strategic approach not only saved the firm money but also enhanced their operational efficiency. 


Stop the Bleeding! Get on Top of Toner Spending 

As anyone who has ever used a printer knows, running out of toner in the middle of an important project can have severe consequences for productivity and morale. A study by Quocirca found that 60% of businesses experience printer-related downtime at least once a month, affecting overall productivity. If you believe that your business is part of that 60%, know that you are not alone, and that there are solutions.  

Overspending on toner and other printing renewables is a common problem that will have significant financial and operational impacts on your business. However, if you implement the right strategies and tools, such as an MPS program, your business can gain control over its printing expenses, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. MPS programs offer you a comprehensive solution to all your toner needs by providing visibility into spending, automated supply management, and improved storage practices. 

No more wasting time monitoring toner levels. No more overspending on toner purchases. By implementing automated toner replenishment and a managed print framework, you can ensure that your printing operations run smoothly and cost-effectively, allowing employees to focus on their core activities and achieve their goals! 

Let's talk about reducing your Toner Expenses?

Request an assessment today to determine if your toner is in need of upgrading. It’s a no-obligation conversation to determine the right solution for your company’s needs.

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